Annual General Meeting
The General Meeting is Vincit's highest decision-making body and is usually convened by the Board of Directors. In addition to the domicile of the company, General Meetings can also be held in Helsinki.
The Annual General Meeting must be held every year on a day set by the Board of Directors within six months after the fiscal year ends. An extraordinary shareholders’ meeting must be held if considered necessary by the Board of Directors or demanded in writing by the auditor or a group of shareholders whose holdings represent at least one-tenth of all issued shares not held by the company.
The notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be published on the company's website no earlier than three (3) months and no later than three (3) weeks before the Annual General Meeting, but always at least nine (9) days before the record date of the General Meeting.
If a shareholder wishes to participate in the Shareholders’ Meeting, they must register in advance in the manner mentioned in the invitation to the meeting and by the date mentioned in the invitation that can at the earliest be ten (10) days before the day of the meeting.
According to the Articles of Association, the Annual General Meeting shall decide on adopting the financial statements, use of the profit entered in the balance sheet, discharging the members of the Board of Directors and the CEO from liability for the accounts, the number of Board members and the fees of Board members and auditors. The Annual General Meeting also elects the members of the Board of Directors and discusses any other matters indicated in the notice of the meeting.
Shareholders who have been entered in Vincit Plc’s shareholders’ register maintained by Euroclear Finland no less than eight days before the Annual General Meeting (record date of the AGM) and who have registered their participation in the AGM by the date specified in the notice have the right to participate in the Annual General Meeting, as do nominee registered shareholders who have been temporarily entered in the company’s shareholders’ register for purposes of participating in the AGM.
Shareholders can participate in the meeting in person or by authorized proxy.
Shareholders may participate in the AGM and exercise their voting rights either in person or by authorized proxy. Each share entitles the holder to one vote. If the owner of nominee-registered shares wishes to participate in the AGM and exercise their voting rights, they must register the shares temporarily under their own name in Vincit Plc’s shareholders’ register maintained by Euroclear Finland. The notification of temporary registration must be made by the date specified in the notice of the AGM, which must be after the record date of the AGM.
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